The National Cupid's Chase 5K Run was a huge success all across the country. Over 2,000 people came out to Run with Their Hearts and support our cause. Cupid's Chase took place in NYC, Binghamton, Syracuse, New Jersey, Bowling Green, Nashville, Chattanooga, Cookeville, Dallas, San Antonio, Albuquerque and Las Cruces. South Carolina and Pittsburgh were delayed due to severe weather. These two locations will be holding their 5K's on February 28, 2010.
To view all our media coverage of this event, please visit us on Facebook by clicking on the Facebook icon on the right of this page or by visiting our press kit by also clicking on the link on this page.
Next year, the Cupid's Chase will take place on Saturday, February 12, 2011. Please stay tuned!
Dallas Cupid's Chase Start of Run: