Friday, April 23, 2010

There are so many incredibly talented people working with Community Options across the United States, we felt it would be great for everyone to get to know them better through question and answer sessions that will be posted on our blog.

Our first Q and A is with Karen Hensley, Regional Vice President for Community Options in Tennessee, South Carolina and Kentucky.

Q: How long have you been working for Community Options?

A: I have been with Community Options for 9 years.

Q: What did you do prior to working with Community Options?

A: I was the COO for Easter Seals of Tennessee and have worked in the non-profit world with people with disabilities for 22 years (WOW!!!.....where has the time gone).

Q: What are the most challenging parts of your job?

A: The most challenging part of my job is balancing the ever changing funding sources in each state especially in these economic times.

Q: With budget cuts taking place all across the country, how do you see this effecting your operations in South Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee?

A: All of our Executive Directors along with myself have become better forecasters and predictors of the changing economic environment. As always, we operate creatively and efficiently, and this has forced us to improve those skills even more. We are consolidating homes per the state's funding source revisions, thus downsizing staff where possible. Our Executive Directors are also working very closely with the funding sources regarding expansion through institutional referrals and community transitions.

Q: How do you balance work/life - what are some of your hobbies outside of work?

A: Yard work, softball and pool time along with a good book are all great equalizers!

Thanks, Karen for everything you do! Please stay tuned for other spotlights on the wonderful employees of Community Options!

Photo Caption - Karen, center, featured with administrative staff from the Cookeville Tennessee operation.

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