Wednesday, February 9, 2011

For one Northern New Jersey teenager, the transition from childhood to adulthood through his upcoming Bar Mitzvah is filled with good deeds. The meaning of the word Mitzvah refers to a moral deed performed as a religious duty. As such, the term Mitzvah has also come to express an act of human kindness. (Wikipedia).  

In addition to studying for his upcoming Bar Mitzvah, Robbie Kresch has decided that he will raise money for two charities that are important to him by running in five, 5K races.  One of those 5K races is the upcoming Cupid’s Chase 5K Run taking place on Saturday, February 12, 2011.  The Cupid’s Chase is a national 5K taking place in 24 cities across 10 states on the same day and same time.  Cupid’s Chase is hosted by national nonprofit, Community Options that supports people with disabilities.

“Health and fitness are really important to my family and me,” says Kresch.  “My Dad loved to exercise-running, cycling, and tennis were three of his favorite things to do,” he added.

Kresch is asking for donations in any amount to support his efforts to raise money for Purrs N’ Pups Animal Rescue Team as well as Hearts and Crafts Counseling.  Kresch is donating to Purrs N’ Pups because of his love for animals and because he got his dog from them.  Kresch chose Hearts and Crafts because they helped him, his sister and his mother when his father passed away.

To date, Kresch has raised over $5,000 for his charities of choice and continues to schedule himself for upcoming 5K’s in the area.  So far, he has run two, 5K’s and his third will be the Cupid’s Chase on February 12, 2011.  Kresch has run both races with a time of under twenty-seven minutes.

Come out on Saturday, February 12, 2011 to the Cupid’s Chase in Glen Rock, NJ, to cheer on Kresch as he continues to raise money for his charities of choice and fulfill his goal of five, 5K’s.  To you, Robbie Kresch, Community Options says, “Mazel Tov!”

1 comment:

Prayers234 said...

Its is wonderful to see young people eager to help and do what is right! Also I never new what the word Mitzvah meant that was enlighting. I pray God's speed and many blessings for this young man!!